Baptism & Thanksgiving

Whether you have a brand new member of your family or children who are a little older now – we’d love to discuss with you having a service of thanksgiving or a baptism service for them. Normally you would live near us (Bradley Stoke or Little Stoke). Occasionally we have enquiries from families living in our area who would like to hold the service in another Church, Dave Barter on 0117 931 2304, would be happy to discuss this with you.

There are 2 options:

  • A service of thanksgiving – where we give thanks for the birth of your child and pray for them and for parents and family. This is often appropriate if you’re unsure about where you stand yourself in relation to the Christian faith . Baptism could follow later and we would welcome questions and would want to support you.
  • A service of baptism or Christening – Here parents are asked to declare their agreement with the Christian faith, that they themselves seek to follow Jesus Christ and that they will do all they can to pray for their child and bring them into the life of the church.

You don’t have to have made up your mind at this stage!

We would invite you to come to one of our “Explore” evenings where we talk through these options in more detail. A more comprehensive pack of information is available from the office – however the best way to find out is to come to one of our Sunday morning services (10.00am) or chat to Dave Barter on 0117 931 2304.